You are launching a new business and require a fun, interesting way to promote it – make a video!
You have an exciting project that you need to explain and seek funding for – let’s create a vodcast!
You have an upcoming event or conference and need to capture it on video – let’s do it!
You need to pre-record sessions for a conference – we’re happy to help!
You need to explain processes for training purposes to save money and time – let’s animate it and make a video that staff can watch as many times as they want.
Whatever the need is, we have a solution. Kaimara has extensive experience in corporate video production and can assist with whatever is required – from live streaming to vodcasts to animation.
Often times we receive emails such as “May I please have a quote for a video?”. That’s it. While we realise that for the average Joe the video world is uncharted territory, we do need quite a bit of information before we can send an accurate quotation for a video production.

Let us guide you in what we need to know;
• Where will filming take place? We need to know whether to add travelling and accommodation fees and if the filming is going to take place outside of Pretoria we need to keep travel time and time spent out of the office in mind.
• When will video filming take place? We need to check our availability and possibly pencil book a date for your project.
• How many hours of filming will you need? This one can be tricky if you really don’t know how long it will take, but we can help you figure it out. It depends on what you need to be covered, whether there will be interviews, b-roll etc.
• Do you need the video to be edited or do you only need the raw, unedited, video footage? There have been many times where the client has an in-house video editor, or they only need to have an event filmed to keep a record of the event, so an edited video is not required. In this case, we can copy all of the raw video and sound onto an external hard drive and deliver it to the client.
• Do you have a script? With any video production, this is actually the starting point. You do not need to have a formal, professionally written script, but the script guides the whole video production and lets us know what is necessary to film and how it should be done. Videos are all about telling stories, even corporate videos tell stories and you need to have a clear vision of what needs to be told and shown. If you do need a professionally written script, we can arrange that for you.
• Do you need a professional voice over artist to record the script? Many corporate videos do need a professional voice over recording to read the script. The voice-over keeps playing in the background while b-roll, animation or interviews tell the story visually.
• Will there be interviews? Often, an interview will replace a voice over. The b-roll will support whatever it is that the person is talking about. This is very common in vodcasts and corporate videos. • Animation? When it comes to systems and processes and other kinds of training videos, most people opt for an animated video with a professional voice over recording. It is the most interesting and effective way of communicating the message.

These are most of the questions we would have in order to know what you are looking for. No matter how simple or complicated the task, we’re always up to it. Telling stories is what we love to do, and creating art while telling the story is even better! Let us help you create an extraordinary video and reach your goals!